
User Guide

Duke is a task storing command-line-based application. The commands are not case-specific and remove all trailing white spaces.


The task is stored in the data directory located at or upward ( to a limit of 5 ) from the application and is titled duke.txt. If you have a similarly named txt file, please clear it before running the application in the event of format differences.


Adding a task

Adds a new task into duke. Types of tasks are:

Where [DATE] format is “[DAY]/[MONTH]/[YEAR] [HOUR][MIN]”

Example of usage:

deadline CS2100 assignment /by 7/10/2019 2359

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:\ [D][Not done] CS2100 assignment (by: 7/10/2019 2359)\ Now you have 1 tasks in the list.

Deleting a task

Deletes a selected task in the list based on its index.


delete [TASK_INDEX]

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

Noted. I've removed this task:\ ` [D][Not done] CS2100 assignment (by: 7/10/2019 2359)\ Now you have 0 tasks in the list.`


Lists out all the tasks in the list



Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:\ 1. [D][Not done] CS2100 assignment (by: 7/10/2019 2359)

Mark as done

Marks a specified task as done based on its index



Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done:\ [D][Done] CS2100 assignment (by: 7/10/2019 2359)

Find task

Lists out all the task that completely or partially match a given keyword.


find [KEYWORD]

Example of usage:

find CS

Expected outcome:

Here are the matching tasks in your list:\ 1. [D][Done] CS2100 assignment (by: 7/10/2019 2359)

Undo task

Undos the last modification carried out on the list.



Expected outcome:

The last action was undone :)\ Here are the tasks in your list:\ 1. [D][Not done] CS2100 assignment (by: 7/10/2019 2359)